So, apparently I missed an anniversary. This morning, it occurred to me that, as of April 22, I have been on the road for six months.
Six months.
In that time, I've traveled a lot of territory. There's a full list of my destinations on my website. I have driven 15,957 miles and I have managed to not get pulled over a single time (oh please don't let this jinx me).
I've visited 8 national parks, 9 national monuments, a national seashore, a presidential library, and countless national conservation areas, national wildlife refuges, botanical gardens, Bureau of Land Management sites, state parks, wildlife preserves, national forests, and museums. I'd say my adventures could easily fill 20 average "vacations."
My 51st work of art on the road. At time of publishing this blog, this painting is available for sale.
This morning, I completed my 51st painting since leaving home (see my portfolio here). On average, I'd say my paintings take me 8 to 10 hours each. That means that in the 187 days (4,488 hours) I've been traveling, about 10% of my time has been spent with a brush in my hand. As of this posting, just 17 of these pieces haven't been purchased (see what's for sale here).
I'm not destitute yet, but I certainly am becoming increasingly mindful of my bank account. I know it would be far leaner if not for the love and support of so many people who have bought my paintings and hired me to work on professional projects for them. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What will the next 6 months hold? Time will tell. I'm really excited to check another national park off my list later this week, and have plans to visit at least four more in the coming month. The wanderlust has waned a bit, but I still very much enjoy life on the road. I've had plenty of reminders throughout this journey that life is short and I am so very grateful for the opportunity.
Get out there and enjoy the world, too, friends!
"Its your life
Don't be stupid though
Cause when ya waste it, you'll know"
~Life Is ...Too $hort by Too $hort